The American Dream Experience®

An opportunity to discover what investing is, how it works, and how it can fulfill on your purpose for life.

Watch this video to see why you should attend this two-day event.
The American Dream Experience® Play video Play video Watch this video to see why you should attend this two-day event.

Is this event for you?

Discover how to transform your financial future

We are committed to saving families from speculating and gambling with their hard-earned money. Whether a financial novice or a long-time investor, we are training and developing investors to know what they are doing with their investments and why. Here are a few examples of who can benefit from the American Dream Experience.

DIY Investor

DIY Investor

You manage your own investments but often feel overwhelmed by the multitude of options and decisions.

Discover empirically tested academic investing principles based on Nobel Prize-winning research to help eliminate the guesswork and avoid speculating and gambling with your financial future.

Retirement-Ready Investor

Retirement-Ready Investor

You’re nearing or in retirement and unsure how to proceed and worried about having enough money to live a fulfilling life.

Learn strategies on how to invest prudently in any market condition and optimize your expected returns given your risk preferences.

Beginner Investor

Beginner Investor

You’re new to investing and feel lost about where to start or what steps to take.

Learn the fundamentals of what investing is, how it works, and how it can help you achieve your American Dream. Work with an advisor for ongoing training and development to become prudent and disciplined over a lifetime.

Dissatisfied Investor

Dissatisfied Investor

You already have a financial advisor, but you feel uninformed or unsure about their strategies.

We believe investors should always be at choice around their money. Choose an investing strategy that aligns with your True Purpose for Money® and one that you can stick with over a lifetime – and an advisor who will work with you along the way.

Become a Conscious Investor

This two-day educational event can alter your relationship with money and leave you in action powerfully pursuing your dreams. Unlike other financial training programs on the market, the American Dream Experience is an opportunity to discover what academic investing science is, how it works, and how it can help fulfill your life’s purpose.

Join us to learn how you can apply the science of investing to your portfolio and be empowered to recapture, reclaim, and realize your American Dream.

Become a Conscious Investor
Become a Conscious Investor


Meet Mark Matson & Josh Crawford

Mark Matson, CEO of Matson Money, created the American Dream Experience to make Nobel Prize-winning investment research accessible and to help people transform their relationship with money. Along with Josh Crawford, Vice President of Training and Development, they have led over 20 events for more than 5,000 families and counting (as of August 2024).

Mark Matson

Mark Matson

Founder & CEO at Matson Money

As an entrepreneur, author, and innovator in the fields of investing science and financial education, Mark Matson brings investment management, education and tools to over 300 independent advisory practices across the U.S. and Puerto Rico.

Mark created The American Dream Experience and the Matson Method, helping bring Nobel Prize-winning investing principles to everyday investors. He is the author of several books including: Main Street Money: How to Outwit, Outsmart, and Out Invest the Wall Street Bullies and the national best seller, Experiencing the American Dream: How to Invest Your Time, Energy, and Money to Create an Extraordinary Life.

He is a frequent guest on national news programs including Fox Business, CNBC, Bloomberg and Yahoo Finance. Mark and his wife Melissa reside in Scottsdale, Arizona, and are the proud parents of eight children.

Josh Crawford

Josh Crawford

Vice President of Training & Development at Matson Money

Josh Crawford is a leader in the financial services industry, bringing the power of Nobel Prize-winning investing science to communities across the U.S. and Puerto Rico.

His expertise includes leading breakthrough educational experiences to hundreds of advisors and thousands of their clients, helping lead and engineer innovative advisor training programs, and training and developing entrepreneurs to expand themselves and their businesses.

As the Vice President of Training and Development at Matson Money, he is instrumental in bringing the award-winning* American Dream Experience to families across North America.

*Details on awards won by the American Dream Experience are available here.

Hear From Participants

Discover how the American Dream Experience helped transform the lives of families just like yours. Don’t just take our word for it—see what participants have to say.

Key Benefits

Unlock Your Financial Potential

The American Dream Experience is a breakthrough financial training program where you can:

Unlock Your Financial Potential

Create a Fulfilling Life

Unlock Your Financial Potential

Apply The Science of Investing

Unlock Your Financial Potential

Establish A Framework For Decision Making

Unlock Your Financial Potential

Understand the Human Behavior Factor

Unlock Your Financial Potential

Invest for the Future


Award-Winning Event

The American Dream Experience has received prestigious awards, highlighting our commitment to innovation, financial education, and exceptional experiences.

Receipt of award does not acknowledge any particular skill or expertise on behalf of recipient and should not be used in determining whether to enter into any agreement with Matson Money, Inc. Please consider the disclosure of criteria for each award shown.

Titan Business Awards 2024
Gold Winner
Educational Event
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Titan Business Awards 2024
Titan Business Awards 2024
Gold Winner
Educational Event

Receipt of award does not acknowledge any particular skill or expertise on behalf of recipient and should not be used in determining whether to enter into any agreement with Matson Money, Inc. Please consider the disclosure of criteria for each award shown.


Matson Money paid $365 to be considered for the Business of the Year category and $285 for the Financial Services category plus a $30 administrative fee.

The awards program is open to all entrepreneurs, SMEs, large organizations, and related individuals, involved in the business industry worldwide. Any person, group, or organization may turn in their submissions online. To be eligible, an entry must have been produced after January 1, 2021 (almost a 2-year window). Entries may originate from any country.


Entry Brief: It is recommended that you keep your synopsis to approximately 350 words. The brief should strengthen your entry, as well as providing the jury a better understanding of your project. A written translation or adaptation must accompany non-English entries.

Image Submission: The submissions should be saved in a flattened JPEG or JPG format. (keep them under 4MB, 1,200px wide is preferable, 300dpi, RGB).

Video/Audio Submission: Entries with audio/video must be submitted with a direct URL that will take judges directly to the work: Upload video/audio to Vimeo/YouTube/Youku. Paste the URL link into the URL field.

There are THREE (3) levels of achievement in the competition:
– Category Winners of the Year
– Platinum (85-100 points)
– Gold (60-84 points)

To ensure high standards of quality, a category may have multiple winners or no winners. Each submission is critiqued rated by consensus, with the panel of judges determining a rating on a scale of 100 points. Winners with a score between 85 and 100 points are Platinum Winners. Entries with a score between 60 and 84 points are Gold Winners.

Entries receiving an average score under 60 do not receive an award.

The highest score amongst the Platinum winners* for each main category will be selected as Category Winners of the Year.

Judges are selected based on experience, credibility, and availability. The Business Awards jury panel consist of senior-level executives, business professionals and acclaimed entrepreneurs, where their business experiences and acumen imbue them with impartiality and undivided attention.
Submissions are judged at random without comparison in the same categories. Our judges will score on a scale of 1-100 based on:
– Originality
– Business acumen
– Business expertise
– Impressions
– Delivery of submission
– Company culture (if applicable)

Retrieved from:

Titan Business Awards. Retrieved from

Titan Business Awards 2024
Platinum Winner
Best Brand Strategy - Best Customer Experience Strategy
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Titan Business Awards 2024
Titan Business Awards 2024
Platinum Winner
Best Brand Strategy - Best Customer Experience Strategy

Receipt of award does not acknowledge any particular skill or expertise on behalf of recipient and should not be used in determining whether to enter into any agreement with Matson Money, Inc. Please consider the disclosure of criteria for each award shown.


Matson Money paid $365 to be considered for the Business of the Year category and $285 for the Financial Services category plus a $30 administrative fee.

The awards program is open to all entrepreneurs, SMEs, large organizations, and related individuals, involved in the business industry worldwide. Any person, group, or organization may turn in their submissions online. To be eligible, an entry must have been produced after January 1, 2021 (almost a 2-year window). Entries may originate from any country.


Entry Brief: It is recommended that you keep your synopsis to approximately 350 words. The brief should strengthen your entry, as well as providing the jury a better understanding of your project. A written translation or adaptation must accompany non-English entries.

Image Submission: The submissions should be saved in a flattened JPEG or JPG format. (keep them under 4MB, 1,200px wide is preferable, 300dpi, RGB).

Video/Audio Submission: Entries with audio/video must be submitted with a direct URL that will take judges directly to the work: Upload video/audio to Vimeo/YouTube/Youku. Paste the URL link into the URL field.

There are THREE (3) levels of achievement in the competition:
– Category Winners of the Year
– Platinum (85-100 points)
– Gold (60-84 points)

To ensure high standards of quality, a category may have multiple winners or no winners. Each submission is critiqued rated by consensus, with the panel of judges determining a rating on a scale of 100 points. Winners with a score between 85 and 100 points are Platinum Winners. Entries with a score between 60 and 84 points are Gold Winners.

Entries receiving an average score under 60 do not receive an award.

The highest score amongst the Platinum winners* for each main category will be selected as Category Winners of the Year.

Judges are selected based on experience, credibility, and availability. The Business Awards jury panel consist of senior-level executives, business professionals and acclaimed entrepreneurs, where their business experiences and acumen imbue them with impartiality and undivided attention.
Submissions are judged at random without comparison in the same categories. Our judges will score on a scale of 1-100 based on:
– Originality
– Business acumen
– Business expertise
– Impressions
– Delivery of submission
– Company culture (if applicable)

Retrieved from:

Titan Business Awards. Retrieved from

Hermes Awards 2024
Platinum Winner
Strategic Campaigns / Public Relations / Communications
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Hermes Awards 2024
Hermes Awards 2024
Platinum Winner
Strategic Campaigns / Public Relations / Communications

Receipt of award does not acknowledge any particular skill or expertise on behalf of recipient and should not be used in determining whether to enter into any agreement with Matson Money, Inc. Please consider the disclosure of criteria for each award shown.NYX Awards

Receipt of award does not acknowledge any particular skill or expertise on behalf of recipient and should not be used in determining whether to enter into any agreement with Matson Money, Inc. Please consider the disclosure of criteria for each award shown.


The awards program is open to all creative and marketing professionals, individuals, agencies, companies, organizations, and institutions involved in advertising, marketing or communication practices, as well as media practitioners for internal or external audiences. To be eligible, an entry must have been produced after January 1, 2022. Entries may originate from any country.

Winning Level:

There are THREE (3) levels of achievement in the competition:

NYX Grand (85-100 points)

NYX Gold (70-84 points)

NYX Silver (50-69 points)

Entries receiving an average score under 50 do not receive an award.

The number of awards presented by NYX Awards is determined by the number of submissions in a given category, the scoring range, and the number of tie scores.

Judging Criteria:

Judges are senior-level industry experts, encompassing experienced professionals across marketing, communication, media, public relations, creative and many other industries. Judges are selected based on experience, credibility, and availability.

To prevent bias/conflict of interest, all entrant information is removed from entries. Judging is blind, and the scores are provided on a scale of 1-100, based on the criteria below:

Creativity / Concept / Idea

Content / Quality of Message

Production & Execution

Innovation / Effectiveness

Overall Experience

To be considered for each of the following categories, Matson Money paid $215 for Strategic Campaign – Event Campaign, $215 Integrated Marketing – Integrated Marketing/Other,  $145 for Video – Social Media, and $145 for the Social Media – Instagram Page

NYX Awards 2024
Gold Winner
Gold Winner
Integrated Marketing
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NYX Awards 2024
NYX Awards 2024
Gold Winner
Gold Winner
Integrated Marketing

Receipt of award does not acknowledge any particular skill or expertise on behalf of recipient and should not be used in determining whether to enter into any agreement with Matson Money, Inc. Please consider the disclosure of criteria for each award shown.


The awards program is open to all creative and marketing professionals, individuals, agencies, companies, organizations, and institutions involved in advertising, marketing or communication practices, as well as media practitioners for internal or external audiences. To be eligible, an entry must have been produced after January 1, 2022. Entries may originate from any country.

Winning Level:

There are THREE (3) levels of achievement in the competition:

NYX Grand (85-100 points)

NYX Gold (70-84 points)

NYX Silver (50-69 points)

Entries receiving an average score under 50 do not receive an award.

The number of awards presented by NYX Awards is determined by the number of submissions in a given category, the scoring range, and the number of tie scores.

Judging Criteria:

Judges are senior-level industry experts, encompassing experienced professionals across marketing, communication, media, public relations, creative and many other industries. Judges are selected based on experience, credibility, and availability.

To prevent bias/conflict of interest, all entrant information is removed from entries. Judging is blind, and the scores are provided on a scale of 1-100, based on the criteria below:

Creativity / Concept / Idea

Content / Quality of Message

Production & Execution

Innovation / Effectiveness

Overall Experience

To be considered for each of the following categories, Matson Money paid $215 for Strategic Campaign – Event Campaign, $215 Integrated Marketing – Integrated Marketing/Other,  $145 for Video – Social Media, and $145 for the Social Media – Instagram Page

The American Business Awards 2024
Bronze Winner
Educational Event
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The American Business Awards 2024
The American Business Awards 2024
Bronze Winner
Educational Event

The Stevie Awards (American Business Awards)

Matson Money paid $290 for the educational event category submission and $495 for the thought-leadership category submission.

The following are the terms and conditions of entry to The 2024 American Business Awards®.

Entry Fees

Entry Fees differ per category and are listed on the ABA web site. Entry fees must be paid before entries will be submitted to judges for review.

You may withdraw one or more entries from the competition and receive a refund of entry fees paid for those entries through February 7, 2024.  After that date, entries may still be withdrawn, but no refunds will be issued.  If for extraordinary circumstances after February 7 we must submit your entries for judging before entry fees are paid, your entries will be nonrevocable, and entry fees will be payable.

Acceptance of Stevie Awards Correspondence

Every entrant has a designated point of contact: a single person with whom we communicate about the disposition of entries submitted.  We will send regular email correspondence to your organization’s point of contact, especially after winners are announced in late April.  Your organization’s point of contact agrees to:

Whitelist the email address, from which most of our email correspondence will come

Read all email correspondence from us promptly and respond as requested or required

Maintenance of Your Entry Account Information

Your organization’s entry-submission account on The American Business Awards website, through which your entries are submitted, will contain the contact information for your point of contact, including that person’s name, postal mailing address, email address, and telephone number.  Your organization’s point of contact agrees to maintain the information in this entry-submission account and update it if and when necessary.  The entry-submission account may be logged into at any time at

Final Decision

In the event of a dispute as to the category in which an entry(s) will be judged, the decision of the Stevie Awards staff will prevail.   Judges may recommend that an entry be switched to a different category, and at their discretion Stevie Awards staff may change an entry’s category.

Any offline materials submitted as part of your entries will not be returned.

The Communicator Awards 2024
Innovation & Strategic Achievement-Conscious Communicator, Distinction
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The Communicator Awards 2024
The Communicator Awards 2024
Innovation & Strategic Achievement-Conscious Communicator, Distinction

Entry Requirements

The Communicator Awards is open to all companies, agencies, organizations or individuals involved in producing communication materials for external or internal audiences. To be eligible for a Communicator Award, entries must have been produced after Jan 1, 2022.TT

The Communicator Awards is dedicated to recognizing excellence, effectiveness, and innovation across all areas of communication. We are the leading international awards program honoring talent in this highly competitive field. The 30th Annual Communicator Awards is proud to celebrate three decades of impactful communication. Across industries and mediums, we welcome the aggressively new and the tried-and-true, the global brands and the indie creators, the informational to the fantastical. Join a circle of winners decades in the making and be recognized as the future of your industry. No one can know for sure what the next thirty years will hold, so enter now to show the world Communication is Timeless.

The Communicator Awards honors work that transcends craft—work that made a lasting impact, and provides an equal chance of winning to all entrants regardless of company or agency size and project budget. We provide winners and their clients the recognition they deserve, and give communications and creative professionals proof and validation that their work is highly regarded by their peers within the industry.

The Award of Excellence, our highest honor, is given to those entrants whose ability to communicate positions them as the best in the field. Award of Excellence winners will be showcased in our Winners Gallery.

The Award of Distinction is presented to projects that exceed industry standards in quality and achievement. Winners of the Award of Distinction will be featured on the Winners List on the website.

Behind the Communicator Awards

The Communicator Awards is sanctioned and reviewed by the Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts, an invitation-only group consisting of top-tier professionals from acclaimed media, communications, advertising, creative and marketing firms. AIVA members include executives from organizations like Amazon, Big Spaceship, Chelsea Pictures, Conde Nast, Critical Mass, Disney, ESPN, GE Digital, IBM, The Nation of Artists, Nextdoor, Spotify, Time, Inc., the Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones, and Wired. To learn more about the AIVA please visit

Matson Money paid $185 to be considered for the Communicator Award.

MarCom Awards 2023
Platinum Winner
StrategicCommunication / Marketing / Promotion / Campaign
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MarCom Awards 2023
MarCom Awards 2023
Platinum Winner
StrategicCommunication / Marketing / Promotion / Campaign

Receipt of award does not acknowledge any particular skill or expertise on behalf of recipient and should not be used in determining whether to enter into any agreement with Matson Money, Inc. Please consider the disclosure of criteria for each award shown.

Over the past two decades, the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals’ judges has earned a reputation for accuracy, fairness, and credibility. A look at the list of MarCom winners is a who’s who of the industry. It is also the competition where professional organizations that run their own competitions enter their work.

To ensure timeliness, fairness, and consistency, most of the judging is done in the AMCP judging room in Dallas, Texas, and Washington, D.C. Judges are senior-level, experienced professionals residing in the Dallas-Fort Worth and D.C. areas. They are freelancers or own their own businesses. They are selected based on experience and availability. It takes two months of full-time work to judge the thousands of entries. Judges can change during the process, but at least one of the two judging coordinators is there at every session.

Entries are judged at random and not compared directly to other entries in their categories. There is no preset number of winners in a category. There are no lengthy essays to persuade the judges; so all work is evaluated solely on its own quality, creativity, and resourcefulness. Judges base their decisions on learned perceptions of creative excellence rather than an entrant’s imaginative explanation of an entry’s value.

Since there is a tremendous variance of resources from entrant-to-entrant, and piece-to-piece, perceived budget is taken into consideration in the judging. Based on their work experiences, judges expect each entry. A student-produced ad is not held to the same expectation as a piece produced by a Madison Avenue agency for a Fortune 500 company.

Matson Money paid $390 per campaign entry and $250 per standard entry

The Telly Awards 2023
Bronze Winner
Branded Content - Education & Training
Silver Winner
Social Video - Education & Discovery
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The Telly Awards 2023
The Telly Awards 2023
Bronze Winner
Branded Content - Education & Training
Silver Winner
Social Video - Education & Discovery

Receipt of award does not acknowledge any particular skill or expertise on behalf of recipient and should not be used in determining whether to enter into any agreement with Matson Money, Inc. Please consider the disclosure of criteria for each award shown.

The Telly Award Company of The Year is awarded to the company who has enjoyed the greatest success across the competition as a whole (both through entries reviewed by The Telly Award Judging Council and the People’s Telly Award). In order to recognize the award level of each winning piece of work and the relative merits in winning each, a sliding scale of points is awarded to Gold (16), Silver (4) and Bronze (1). The Telly Award Company of the Year is derived from the total number of points achieved across all wins.

All judges are top advertising and production professionals. Most importantly, all of our judges are members of the Silver Telly Council with an interest in upholding the historical standard of excellence that Telly represents.

Matson Money paid $740 total to be considered in the categories of sound design, use of 3D animation, corporate image, education and training.

Muse Awards 2023
Gold Winner
Gold Winner
Social Media Reel
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Muse Awards 2023
Muse Awards 2023
Gold Winner
Gold Winner
Social Media Reel

Receipt of award does not acknowledge any particular skill or expertise on behalf of recipient and should not be used in determining whether to enter into any agreement with Matson Money, Inc. Please consider the disclosure of criteria for each award shown.

Muse Creative Awards. Retrieved 10 April 2024 from

Matson Money paid $220 for event category, $220 for integrated marketing and $175 for social media reel entries.

MUSE Creative Awards makes every effort to keep entry costs low. Rather than increasing the fee for each entry, fees are only charged in order to cover administrative costs like printing, mailing and data organization. For this reason, each participant is charged a flat $30 annual administrative fee. When all participants pay the same low fee, those submitting more than one entry will actually pay less than if fees were on a sliding scale. Multiple entries must be submitted at the same time as your first entry in order to be counted as “additional category”. An entry submitted at a later time will be counted as a “first entry”. Work submitted must have been created within the last 2 years. Retrieved from

Viddy Awards 2022
Gold Award
Production of a Live or Virtual Event
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Viddy Awards 2022
Viddy Awards 2022
Gold Award
Production of a Live or Virtual Event

Receipt of award does not acknowledge any particular skill or expertise on behalf of recipient and should not be used in determining whether to enter into any agreement with Matson Money, Inc. Please consider the disclosure of criteria for each award shown.

Criteria: Entries receiving scores of 90-100 are Platinum Winners. Scores of 80-89 are Gold Winners and 70-79 are Honorable Mention Winners. There may be no winners or multiple winners in a category.

The Viddy Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals.

Since 1995, AMCP judges have earned a reputation for accuracy, fairness, and credibility. Judges are senior-level, experienced professionals who are compensated for their time and expertise. By having a small group of paid judges dedicating their services to a specific competition, AMCP produces more consistent results in a shorter period-of-time.

AMCP supports the creative community by keeping its entry fees low and by recognizing the efforts of entrants who give back to their communities. AMCP does not charge them fees to enter pro bono work and regularly donates to charities and organizations on their behalf.

Matson Money paid $110 per entry to be considered.

Upcoming Events

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of Investing webinar on demand

Fill out the form to gain access to insights that can introduce you to a new world of investing and save you from speculating and gambling with your financial future.

We are an Investment Advisor Company

We provide breakthrough education, tools, and coaching that can help families transform their financial futures.

We are a multi-generational registered investment advisor company founded in 1991 by Mark Matson. We are committed to supporting the best possible investing experiences and outcomes for investors. Over the last 30 years, we’ve developed and refined a comprehensive methodology for investors: the Matson Method – a highly disciplined approach to asset allocation and long-term wealth creation that integrates leading research in behavioral economics, finance, and the field of human performance.

We are an Investment Advisor Company
We are an Investment Advisor Company

The numbers

Facts & Figures
as of January, 2025


billion in assets under management


investors representing all 50 US states and Puerto Rico


holdings in 76 countries for true global diversification


independent financial advisors from Alaska to Texas

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand you might have questions about the American Dream Experience. Below, you’ll find answers to some of the most common questions we receive. If you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

What does the virtual experience look like?

Open question Close question

The virtual experience takes place over two days. Start time and end time will vary based on your time zone, however, session typically begins at 8am PT/11am ET and wraps each day at 4pm PT/7pm ET. 

Event times will be provided in your confirmation email. Attendees can attend anywhere that has internet access, but should be prepared to be on camera and ready to participate, so a quiet place with privacy is ideal. A desktop or laptop is preferred over a cell phone to be able to fully participate.

After registering for the event, you will gain access to the event page which can be used to access our online platform on the day of your American Dream Experience.

What does an in-person experience look like?

Open question Close question

Our in-person experience takes place over two days at our state-of-the-art training facility in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Doors open at 7:30am both days and guests are invited to join us for breakfast and a building tour. Main session begins at 9am and wraps each day at 6pm local time.

While visiting us in Scottsdale, be sure to stop by our concierge desk for recommendations to local restaurants and area attractions. After registering for the event, you will be provided with location details, hotel recommendation, and travel logistics.

Does my spouse/significant other have to attend? 

Open question Close question

We will be exploring many important conversations around money and your financial future that we believe are critical to have as a family and not separately. Because of this, it is essential for spouses/significant others to attend together to get the most out of their experience in order to leave united in their pursuit of the American Dream.

Why do I need an advisor? 

Open question Close question

Every family participating in the American Dream Experience is required to work with an advisor to get the most out of their experience. Your advisor coach will help powerfully set you up for the event as well as be available to answer any questions that may come up over these two days. They can be a valuable asset for you as you dive into the science of investing and create an investing strategy that aligns with your True Purpose for Money.

I am no longer able to attend the event, can I get a refund?

Open question Close question

To initiate an exchange or refund, please contact us directly at You can also view our Terms & Conditions here.

I am a Matson Money investor, how can I get my free ticket for the event?

Open question Close question

As a valued Matson Money investor, you’re invited to attend the American Dream Experience at no cost. This is your opportunity to discover potentially life-changing financial strategies, meet our team, and deepen your investment knowledge. To claim your free ticket, simply reach out to your advisor, and they will guide you through the registration process. We look forward to seeing you at this transformative event!

Ready to transformyour financial future?

Ready to transform
your financial future?

Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to learn from distinct leaders in the industry. Join us for a potentially life-changing event. Secure your spot now!